About our Rescue Squad
Our Rescue Squad is run by volunteers that cumulatively log thousands of hours in training each year. We continuously train with all of the equipment and tools that we can deploy at any time for anyone in need. Our equipment is dispersed throughout the county including the Mocksville, Advance, and Coolemee areas. We maintain a large fleet of rescue equipment including eight rescue trucks, six boats (three Zodiac type and three aluminum), three ambulances, a variety of generators including a 50KW generator, a water rescue trailer, an incident command trailer, a UTV, three light towers as well as numerous other pieces of equipment used for rescue operations or any other emergency situation that may arise. Our equipment and services are the best in the business and we strive to maintain high standards. Our goal is to provide our community with the best rescue services possible.
Rescueman’s Oath
I swear by God and all other things which I revere, to witness, that according to my ability and judgment I will in every particular keep this, my oath and covenant. To regard him who serves this art equally with myself, to share my substance and if he is in need, to relieve his necessities. to impart a knowledge of this art by precept, by lectures, and every other mode of instruction to others without fee or stipulation.
I will use that regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, shall be for the welfare of the sick or injured, to alleviate human suffering, knowing no boundaries of race, creed, or color, and I will refrain from that which shall be baneful and injurious.
With purity and holiness will I watch closely my life and my art. I will not administer to a person beyond my ability but will give way to those who are practitioners in this work. Into whatever houses I shall enter I will go to aid the sick or injured, abstaining from every voluntary act of injustice or corruption.
Whatever in the life of men I shall see or hear in my service or without my service, that which shall not be made public, this I will hold in silence, believing that such things should not be spoken.
While I keep this, my oath, inviolate and unbroken, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and my art, forever honored by all men; but should I by transgression violate it, be mine the reverse.